Monday, October 11, 2021

More things what is needed before you can earn money online or from home

     Again making post about same topic, but of course with different ways to earn money online and/or from howm and what is needed for them. Or even if they don't need anything they aren't easy to do like articles are saying.

    Actually, now that I thought about dropshipping with affilate marketing might be interchangable. As in - use affilite link without sending user to different side, I think. But only how that would work, and how adress would be entered for buyer on other side? I guess you need to know some programming, or where to find it.

    Cashback - Of course it implies that you can get back money that you spended. So of course you need to have money to spend. And of course it is lower what you would spend. But I guess with that you might be able to save some money. So this isn't earning method, but money saving method. But if product prices goes up and saved cashback stay same (as 3.00$) so those 3.00$ value is less.

    Testing - Testing websites, games, apps or phsyical products. For testing digital products you probably need places where other people aren't nearby so you can use your voice to share thought because in most cases (if not all) digital product testing sites except you to use your voice so that means you need microphone and there is Non-disclosure agreement that you can share stuff from those sites. For some probably even what are you saying. So if you live in small apparment with other people so than you probably can't test digital stuff.

    I only have found one product testing site - UserTesting but at the moment is full, so... well this isn't what you need, but you should have know about this earlier. This is for UserTesting, what they need - If you aren't doing at them time when people are trying to register as product tester, you should have option to opt-in where product tester can recive e-mail when there is open spaces. But it looks like that in future there won't be open spaces to get into as product tester.

    If there would be open spaces there might be NDA, about it. Only how that would work, if you are reciving physicall product for free?

Investing - If you don't have any money or asset than how you would be able to this? You won't - unless you would beg money on street, but then what about food or how you will be able to covert physical money into digital money so you can invest?

Investing works, when you have money that you can spend on anything. Only there is risk that with investing you can lose all. So it's kinda gambling if not fully gambling. And if there is place where accept physical money for investing than that isn't online or from home.

    Mystery shopper - In most articles that I found it says that it isn't online method to earn money or even from home method to earn money, but it's still in articles where it's about how to earn money online/how to earn money from home.

    Maybe you can work from home, but what I have found says you need to go into physicals stores. So you need to way to get to physical store. If you know how to drive a car thay you can go to any shop where employers says you need to go. Of course in reasonable distance.

    However if you live in countryside like me and don't know how to drive a car, still driver license is need if you know how to drive a car, than you can't do it. 

Buying & Selling domains - I wonder what is needed for it? Of course money because it says "buying", duh. If you don't have money, you can't.

Making an app - of course you need to have what kinda app to make. And if you care about morality than, you have limited option what kinda monetization methdos you can use. But if you don't care about morality or even if you are fine getting negative attetion (attetion is attetion) then you can use scamy monetazation methods.

    Well not for most of theses methods, methods that was in previous article or in upcoming these kinda articles. If you live in USA you have more options how to earn money online. Only how much or how fast you can, I can't tell, because I'm not living in USA.

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More things what is needed before you can earn money online or from home

     Again making post about same topic , but of course with different ways to earn money online and/or from howm and what is needed for the...