Sunday, September 12, 2021

These Things You Need Before You Can Earn Money From Online


    Because I have hard time getting into work, and trying to figure out what's reason for it, I have here and there searched ways to earn money online. And noticed that most of earning ways, you need something before, that some of those listing articles mention and some doesn't. 
    So I'll start with stuff, then I was mostly interested in and/or tried but have hard time with them.

Youtube - I'm doing this for 6 years now, on and of, and only in this summer (2021) got 70 euros. Because I'm doing Youtube for 6 years, and of course I exeprince monetaization requirment chance. Now you need 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours on your videos. Before it, you just need to have 10.000 (ten thousand) views on your channel - as in 10.000 views on all on your videos. 
    Maybe if monetazation requirment didn't chance or it was implemented, then probably I would get 70 euros earlier, if not more, and more often. Next payment from youtube will be after 7 months. But now I have started this blog, and will connect (when I can) to same AdSense accounts that Youtube channel connected with, then probably I won't be able to figure out, from where is money coming from, or will I? 
    Of course it varies content by conten, if I would do differen content that I'm interested in then maybe, but some people would notice that I don't want to make that kinda content than still I might not earn from that kinda content. Also if you don't have morallity and it could be easy to earn money, by making scummy videos. Like... well now if you target audience is kids, then you need to set it as made for kids, so supposdly you can't make money from ads, but there's still is way to make videos targeted for kids, and earn money from them. You could try making videos that isn't made for kids, but have thumbnail that say that video is made thumbnail, but actually there's weird stuff in video. 
    Other scummy videos are, that were content creator is doing stupid shit, and get hate views, from other content creators and more people, and of course views from kids. But views are views even if they are negative, if you stay in medicore. But still haven't even managed to get hate views on my channel. Plus there is more stuff but I won't name them.

    Affiliate Marketing - Specifically about affiliate sites (if there are other methods), where you share your custom affiliate url, and somebody buys products from that shop after linking that url, you get paid. Of course you need to have decent about followers and some of them would be fine, clicking on those sites. But getting followers can take time. Well when I made youtube channel, then also made social accounts that is about youtube channel, and of course I haven't got a lot followers on it. Maybe I also need to do on them other stuff, but content wise, on instagram, I don't know what kinda images or video publish there. Went off-topic a little bit.
    That includes if you have own website or blog. If you don't have visitors then there's is no click on affiliate sites.

    Twitch - If you don't recive views on stream even if you have set up donation/tipping button under stream, then of course where money would come from? And when you get views then you need to reach requirments for twitch affiliate where there you unlock subscribe button - as in you auddince need to pay monthly to support you on twitch. 
    Also when you unlock subscribe button, then you probably need to set bonues who subscribed to your twitch account. 
    At the moment without outside source, you will have hard time getting somewhere with twitch. Because Twitch doesn't recommended streamers with small views. And don't except anything when streaming in popular categories - nobody have time to scroll all the way down to small viewer amount streams in popular categories. Sadly there isn't option to sort streams from small to high view count.
    It can go same with streaming in unpopular categories - nobody will have time to scroll down to unpopoular categories. Maybe with middle categories you can get somewhere.
    However if you want to stream for fun, then of course you can stream in any category, but expect no viewers.

    NFT Games - Ok, while writing this blog I tried registering to some NFT games. Well for some you need to buy in-game assets, like car for Revv Racing. But some games gives you some assets to start with, like Gods Unchained, only at the time of writing this blog selling cards is locked, so you can't earn money from Gods Unchained at the momnet. 
    This isn't for players needed, but if who makes NFT games and advertise them that players can earn money from it, so then there is chance that most players will get into it, just to get quick cash. But then again, I guess that's why in some NFT games needs to buy in-game assets.

    Print on Demand - Well if you want to morallity right, then you need to have drawwing skils and idea what design can be sold on print on demand sites. Or just, steal catchy lines from youtubers, streamers, movies etc. and then use thoses lines as text desing. 

    Dropshipping - Actually I don't know how it works but I think you need to have some kinda money to have website. Maybe you can use blogger, with blogger domain without paying anything or pay for website domain, or pay for shopify. Also probably you need for shipping, when using either post office, or courier services. And techinaclly this isn't only earn money from online, you will need to deal with pyshical products.

    There are more ways to earn money online and what it's needed for them, but for now this list will be enough, at least in this blog post. Probably than, there will be more blog posts about this topic. And already you can see that at start you can't earn money from these methods.

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More things what is needed before you can earn money online or from home

     Again making post about same topic , but of course with different ways to earn money online and/or from howm and what is needed for the...