Saturday, October 9, 2021

Free Video Editing Softwares/Apps

     Noticing that youtubers get sponored where they advertise video editing software, in most of cases of course those video editing software are paid, so I share free video editing softwares that I know. Also made video on it:

    Hitfilm Express  - This is software that I have used the most. More than basic stuff it's free. In it you can also import 3D models to make video. 

    However if you use effect that have "add-on" on it, then on your video will have watermark, because you can use those effect for free to preview it, and then you can buy add-on pack where that effect is in.

Only for me, it crashed a lot time and than it got annoying but didn't know others softwares than I kept using it.

    Davinchi Resolve - I only tried this once but then it lagged for me. I assume it can do same stuff as Hitflim Express for me, if not a lot of stuff for free. But you need powerfull device
    Also probably it could have stuff that you need to buy.

    Shotcut - When was trying from Hitfilm Express crashing shit, than I found this. Of course needed to learn how to use it, but so far what I have edited it worked for me. Only I needed to find online how to render video in it. So I found way where it says - select custom export, if you want change resoulution for video, and chance to constant bitrate and double bitrate from first video file added in timeline.

    Windows Movie Maker - Well this is disconnected but if you still are using Windows up to Vista, it should be included with Operating System. 
    However it can be runned on Windows 10.
I only used this when we had Windows XP while we didn't had internet. But when we got internet we didn't use on Windows XP, mom didn't allow that pc get internet and first internet was got from something like flash drive, and didn't figure out to have internet on dekstop windows XP from it.
    Anyways that's off-topic. I was just messing around in this software.

    iMovie - At least I know iMovie on IOS devices are free and it's app, like Iphone and Ipad, but of course haven't used because I don't have either those devices.
    Well if you record gameplay videos from IOS device using IOS pre-installed screen recorder, than you can use this video editing software to edit those video.

So far I know this video editing software that are free. Well if you want to find any software for free and search for "open source" and then software type. For exampe - open source video editing software. Only beware, even if you find open source software with that, it can be paid software and will downland trial version, which add softwares watermark on video.

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