Monday, October 11, 2021

More things what is needed before you can earn money online or from home

     Again making post about same topic, but of course with different ways to earn money online and/or from howm and what is needed for them. Or even if they don't need anything they aren't easy to do like articles are saying.

    Actually, now that I thought about dropshipping with affilate marketing might be interchangable. As in - use affilite link without sending user to different side, I think. But only how that would work, and how adress would be entered for buyer on other side? I guess you need to know some programming, or where to find it.

    Cashback - Of course it implies that you can get back money that you spended. So of course you need to have money to spend. And of course it is lower what you would spend. But I guess with that you might be able to save some money. So this isn't earning method, but money saving method. But if product prices goes up and saved cashback stay same (as 3.00$) so those 3.00$ value is less.

    Testing - Testing websites, games, apps or phsyical products. For testing digital products you probably need places where other people aren't nearby so you can use your voice to share thought because in most cases (if not all) digital product testing sites except you to use your voice so that means you need microphone and there is Non-disclosure agreement that you can share stuff from those sites. For some probably even what are you saying. So if you live in small apparment with other people so than you probably can't test digital stuff.

    I only have found one product testing site - UserTesting but at the moment is full, so... well this isn't what you need, but you should have know about this earlier. This is for UserTesting, what they need - If you aren't doing at them time when people are trying to register as product tester, you should have option to opt-in where product tester can recive e-mail when there is open spaces. But it looks like that in future there won't be open spaces to get into as product tester.

    If there would be open spaces there might be NDA, about it. Only how that would work, if you are reciving physicall product for free?

Investing - If you don't have any money or asset than how you would be able to this? You won't - unless you would beg money on street, but then what about food or how you will be able to covert physical money into digital money so you can invest?

Investing works, when you have money that you can spend on anything. Only there is risk that with investing you can lose all. So it's kinda gambling if not fully gambling. And if there is place where accept physical money for investing than that isn't online or from home.

    Mystery shopper - In most articles that I found it says that it isn't online method to earn money or even from home method to earn money, but it's still in articles where it's about how to earn money online/how to earn money from home.

    Maybe you can work from home, but what I have found says you need to go into physicals stores. So you need to way to get to physical store. If you know how to drive a car thay you can go to any shop where employers says you need to go. Of course in reasonable distance.

    However if you live in countryside like me and don't know how to drive a car, still driver license is need if you know how to drive a car, than you can't do it. 

Buying & Selling domains - I wonder what is needed for it? Of course money because it says "buying", duh. If you don't have money, you can't.

Making an app - of course you need to have what kinda app to make. And if you care about morality than, you have limited option what kinda monetization methdos you can use. But if you don't care about morality or even if you are fine getting negative attetion (attetion is attetion) then you can use scamy monetazation methods.

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Work Mentally Should be Changed

     Currently some, if not most, people have work mentally they want to work a lot of hours with small payment, and belives they will be able to enjoy themsevles and world when they retire. That's wrong. If you overwork yourself than you can die before reaching retriment age and/or retriment age will go higher and higher. With that you wouldn't enjoy yourself at the time. Or even if you don't overwork yourself - when you would reach retirment age:

    a) retirment age requirment is higher and will go higher;

    b) world situation is so bad than there is no economy if there is human life left on planet.

Only problem is without work you can't earn living. Well recently found articles saying if you move to different places you will get paid. But haven't found where I can apply to move to them and probably for travel those places you need to pay travel fees. 

Also supposedly you can earn money online but for them have some problems which I have made article on. If earning money online would be easy, that is morrarly right, than I would have got money. Ok fine, I think morrarly wrong earning methods are easy because I haven't tried them, at least conscious, but still nothing.

More people should thrive to work less hours so they can say (for example) "I'm working for 20 hours in week, and I have enough income to live" not this - "I'm working for 1000 hours in week and I have hard time to live, but I'm fine with it." Yeah I know it's overexerageted 100 hours in week, also in week there is 1000 hours?

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Free Video Editing Softwares/Apps

     Noticing that youtubers get sponored where they advertise video editing software, in most of cases of course those video editing software are paid, so I share free video editing softwares that I know. Also made video on it:

    Hitfilm Express  - This is software that I have used the most. More than basic stuff it's free. In it you can also import 3D models to make video. 

    However if you use effect that have "add-on" on it, then on your video will have watermark, because you can use those effect for free to preview it, and then you can buy add-on pack where that effect is in.

Only for me, it crashed a lot time and than it got annoying but didn't know others softwares than I kept using it.

    Davinchi Resolve - I only tried this once but then it lagged for me. I assume it can do same stuff as Hitflim Express for me, if not a lot of stuff for free. But you need powerfull device
    Also probably it could have stuff that you need to buy.

    Shotcut - When was trying from Hitfilm Express crashing shit, than I found this. Of course needed to learn how to use it, but so far what I have edited it worked for me. Only I needed to find online how to render video in it. So I found way where it says - select custom export, if you want change resoulution for video, and chance to constant bitrate and double bitrate from first video file added in timeline.

    Windows Movie Maker - Well this is disconnected but if you still are using Windows up to Vista, it should be included with Operating System. 
    However it can be runned on Windows 10.
I only used this when we had Windows XP while we didn't had internet. But when we got internet we didn't use on Windows XP, mom didn't allow that pc get internet and first internet was got from something like flash drive, and didn't figure out to have internet on dekstop windows XP from it.
    Anyways that's off-topic. I was just messing around in this software.

    iMovie - At least I know iMovie on IOS devices are free and it's app, like Iphone and Ipad, but of course haven't used because I don't have either those devices.
    Well if you record gameplay videos from IOS device using IOS pre-installed screen recorder, than you can use this video editing software to edit those video.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

These Things You Need Before You Can Earn Money From Online


    Because I have hard time getting into work, and trying to figure out what's reason for it, I have here and there searched ways to earn money online. And noticed that most of earning ways, you need something before, that some of those listing articles mention and some doesn't. 
    So I'll start with stuff, then I was mostly interested in and/or tried but have hard time with them.

Youtube - I'm doing this for 6 years now, on and of, and only in this summer (2021) got 70 euros. Because I'm doing Youtube for 6 years, and of course I exeprince monetaization requirment chance. Now you need 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours on your videos. Before it, you just need to have 10.000 (ten thousand) views on your channel - as in 10.000 views on all on your videos. 
    Maybe if monetazation requirment didn't chance or it was implemented, then probably I would get 70 euros earlier, if not more, and more often. Next payment from youtube will be after 7 months. But now I have started this blog, and will connect (when I can) to same AdSense accounts that Youtube channel connected with, then probably I won't be able to figure out, from where is money coming from, or will I? 
    Of course it varies content by conten, if I would do differen content that I'm interested in then maybe, but some people would notice that I don't want to make that kinda content than still I might not earn from that kinda content. Also if you don't have morallity and it could be easy to earn money, by making scummy videos. Like... well now if you target audience is kids, then you need to set it as made for kids, so supposdly you can't make money from ads, but there's still is way to make videos targeted for kids, and earn money from them. You could try making videos that isn't made for kids, but have thumbnail that say that video is made thumbnail, but actually there's weird stuff in video. 
    Other scummy videos are, that were content creator is doing stupid shit, and get hate views, from other content creators and more people, and of course views from kids. But views are views even if they are negative, if you stay in medicore. But still haven't even managed to get hate views on my channel. Plus there is more stuff but I won't name them.

    Affiliate Marketing - Specifically about affiliate sites (if there are other methods), where you share your custom affiliate url, and somebody buys products from that shop after linking that url, you get paid. Of course you need to have decent about followers and some of them would be fine, clicking on those sites. But getting followers can take time. Well when I made youtube channel, then also made social accounts that is about youtube channel, and of course I haven't got a lot followers on it. Maybe I also need to do on them other stuff, but content wise, on instagram, I don't know what kinda images or video publish there. Went off-topic a little bit.
    That includes if you have own website or blog. If you don't have visitors then there's is no click on affiliate sites.

    Twitch - If you don't recive views on stream even if you have set up donation/tipping button under stream, then of course where money would come from? And when you get views then you need to reach requirments for twitch affiliate where there you unlock subscribe button - as in you auddince need to pay monthly to support you on twitch. 
    Also when you unlock subscribe button, then you probably need to set bonues who subscribed to your twitch account. 
    At the moment without outside source, you will have hard time getting somewhere with twitch. Because Twitch doesn't recommended streamers with small views. And don't except anything when streaming in popular categories - nobody have time to scroll all the way down to small viewer amount streams in popular categories. Sadly there isn't option to sort streams from small to high view count.
    It can go same with streaming in unpopular categories - nobody will have time to scroll down to unpopoular categories. Maybe with middle categories you can get somewhere.
    However if you want to stream for fun, then of course you can stream in any category, but expect no viewers.

    NFT Games - Ok, while writing this blog I tried registering to some NFT games. Well for some you need to buy in-game assets, like car for Revv Racing. But some games gives you some assets to start with, like Gods Unchained, only at the time of writing this blog selling cards is locked, so you can't earn money from Gods Unchained at the momnet. 
    This isn't for players needed, but if who makes NFT games and advertise them that players can earn money from it, so then there is chance that most players will get into it, just to get quick cash. But then again, I guess that's why in some NFT games needs to buy in-game assets.

    Print on Demand - Well if you want to morallity right, then you need to have drawwing skils and idea what design can be sold on print on demand sites. Or just, steal catchy lines from youtubers, streamers, movies etc. and then use thoses lines as text desing. 

    Dropshipping - Actually I don't know how it works but I think you need to have some kinda money to have website. Maybe you can use blogger, with blogger domain without paying anything or pay for website domain, or pay for shopify. Also probably you need for shipping, when using either post office, or courier services. And techinaclly this isn't only earn money from online, you will need to deal with pyshical products.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Before Making Blog I Made Video About Wanting to Make Blog.

Here it is, titled "Thinking Making A Blog" Where I shared I wanted to make blog with custom domain, but I need to buy it. And some website host sites offer free custom domain for month, but then I still need to spend money on other stuff. 

And now here I'm saying, that for now I will be using blogger as blog with blogger domain.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

I Have Tried Sneak Energy


    Last year, near the end of my temporary work, I managed to get Sneak Energy. I got starter deal and cans taster pack. Thinking I would make video on them. Only, well at the time I was using Hitfilm Express as editing software and it was crashing, normally I can deal with it, but my problem was - how I editied that video and Hitfilm Express took long time to render it, for while I had saved files but then either I deleted timeline in project, or timeline doesn't get saved in project file if I upload it or chancge location of project file. Or I just delete project file and all raw files. Tried retrying to make video but it is scripted, most part of it. Maybe I could retry it, and now think maybe I could have both video and blog spot about same topic, but for video I need time where other people doesn't disctract me or make background noises.

    Any ways I need to write copy & paste from script about Sneak Energy and see if I need to change stuff in it. By the way of course in starter pack there is sachets but I will use tub pictures to show what I'm talking about.

Shaking shaker cup for the first time generally drink spilled out a little bit. Not sure why. Maybe I put too much water or didn’t close it enough. Or like always I’m getting one product of many that is broken. I’ll see about that.

Now about Sour Apple taste.

Smell of it, it didn’t smell good. Not sure how I can describe it. Actually that was from first time smelling, it didn’t smell like apple. But over time it started to smell like apple.
Taste after first sip, it was hard to tell if it tastes like sour apple. Or maybe I had too much water for it. Well it wasn't as sour as I thought. Or maybe too much water.
At least from first sips it didn’t seem to be chalky. Maybe at the end of it might feel chalky but then again I might not have shaken it enough because the drink was spilling out.
Regular energy drinks I finish drinking them fastly but this, I think it took an hour or maybe 30 minutes to finish to drink this but I wasn’t halfway done when I wrote this part as part of the script. Maybe because it is mixed with water it doesn’t give the urge to finish drinking fastly. Or maybe I don’t like the taste, that's why it took long to drink. But it doesn’t seem to be the case, that’s about taste.
Even when I hadn't finished drink I still yawned.. Maybe I’m drinking too slowly, caffeine gets out before I finish drinking. Or maybe there still is an energy drink crash. Or maybe that’s how you should drink energy drinks. That’s spacing out from the same serving.
After finishing it, it didn’t seem to be chalky. Or at least I didn’t feel the powder.
And still it wasn’t sour. Either too much water. Or this is a light sour drink. Well if you like anything apple taste then maybe you can try this. But be warned that this might not be sour. But again this isn’t also sweet. It might be between sour and sweet. Or like I mentioned before I might have too much water.
After a little while when I have finished drinking it I still yawned but at that moment I didn’t feel the energy drink crash. Or it's a little bit different from regular energy drink crashes. Well basically I still yawn but don’t feel tired as much as after drinking regular energy drinks.
Even if I yawned after drinking I felt energized for a long time.

    Stealth - I was thinking what it would taste like, because is there fruit called stealth? At the start I thought it as mystery taste. However at the start I failed shaking it so I might have not tasted it correctly. 
    Maybe because I didn’t shake it correctly and/or I might have too much water in it but I’m not a big fan of this taste. Well I feel like I had something with the same taste but can’t quite tell it. Maybe my nose was blocked but I couldn’t smell it.
    Actually over time I started liking taste. Only maybe when (if I will able) next time to get then I might not like this and again overtime taste will grow on me.
    It felt that the energy boost wasn’t as strong as for sour apples. But again I failed at shaking, was drinking after waking up, and when I drank sour apple I had instant coffee with sugar before sour apple. Like an hour before maybe. Maybe Sneak Energy is meant to wake up you or drinking after drinking sugary drinks no matter how much sugar there is. Now I wonder if Sneak Energy is selling similar powder without caffeine. And they also put these in the starter packs? Only what's the point calling them energy? But then again I drank this up pretty fast. Faster than sour apple.

    Strawberry Millions - When I wanted to make this, I noticed that there is actually sugar in these drinks. And it’s in almost all drinks of Sneak Energy, and even in drinks before this had little bit sugar in it, I think.. Well it’s just 0.5g but still there is sugar. Well I will call it as a sub ingredient because it is under carbohydrates. I guess if products have 0.5 amount of something then it seems like basically nothing. For example there are alcohol free beer but in those there still is 0.5% alcohol in it. And it counts as alcohol free beer.
    When I was shaking the shaker cup I heard a fizzing sound and then the drink spilled a little bit out. Also I think I had less water than the previous two drinks. I guess the shaker cup might be damaged and I need to get a different one to see if it will have the same problem. Or I was doing something wrong.
    This drink smelled and tasted like strawberry. Or at least some snacks or juices that have strawberry taste. Not sure if strawberry is my favorite fruit and/or berry but at least it was at some point. So I liked this taste.
    Took longer time to finish it then sour apple it because I took it with me at work and I needed to do outside work. Of course, like for sour apple, I had instant coffee with sugar before it. I guess if I have some amount of caffeine in me then I’m not forced to get more of it. And lastly maybe because I was outside in the cold then I was cold and had a cold drink then I didn’t want to drink a lot of it. It almost took 4 hours to complete it. Because 4 hours was my work hours. 
    While I was working I thought that I haven’t tried these when I was playing games which are advertised as gaming energy drinks. Maybe not generations but regular Sneak Energy that has gaming energy on it. So when I was on break I figured out to play Ace Attorney on the phone and I didn’t fail a lot in that play session. Like I normally would do. But then again it's a puzzle game then my mind maybe was already sharp without drinking this. Or drink could have helped me with Ace Attorney. Now I’m thinking what's the best game genre to try drinking this while playing games.
    I guess when I spaced this drink that long then I guess I also spaced out getting an energy boost from this drink. So when I write a script I’m not feeling tired. And it did help a little bit at work.

    Bubblegum Millions - Actually when I drank this I found there is a gauge of ml on the shaker cup. And I was right about me putting too much water in. Because on packets it’s said that you need to add powder to 300 to 400 ml water. But the shaker cup is more than that. Maybe the shaker cup is 800 ml large. That’s if you can have that much water in it. Maybe it’s that large for those who want to have double serving or want a weaker version of energy drink. For the next taste I try to have 400 ml of water. But it’s hard to see gauge because the shaker cup is white and the number and gauge is also white. Because I found a gauge I think I am drinking another Sneak Energy on the same day. But from other side I tried to suppress my urge which didn’t work.
    Of course this smelled and tasted like bubblegum even if I had too much water in it. Well one of those sweet bubblegum tastes. Only for little bit I thought there was mint taste, or at least mint after taste. After while it started slowly taste less like bubblegum.
    Maybe I’m already too used to drinking this or/and I had too much water. I didn’t feel an energy boost. At least as much as for the previous drinks. But then again I had interrupted sleep and the weather was rainy here and there. 

    Cherry Bomb - Said fuck it to my self and drunk this at same day as Bubblegum Millions. This time following instructions, that is trying to use 400 ml water. Also it is said on the package that max serving is two then it should be fine. Only wasn’t sure if I will be able to sleep at night, that was my thought when I drank it. Didn’t drink it close to when I went to sleep. I think I slept fine in that night.
    Because in the taste title there is a bomb I thought this drink would have been sour but it isn’t. It’s sweet cherry. Taste wise, I think it would be the same taste if I would have put too much water in it. Only caffeine then it’s weaker when I put too much water in it. I thought like that. At least it helped me feel not tired. I guess if you use less water than it’s for a shorter period, but if you use more water then caffeine is weaker but drink is for a longer time. Then at least it seems like it is working for a longer time. If you have have too much water.
Smell is when there is juice with cherry taste. Taste wise is drinkable but if I have choice then I wouldn't get it.

    Purple Storm - At the start I thought of as another mystery taste and guessed it would taste like grapes. Or like grape juice. Only I was wrong. Actually not sure about that. Because I couldn’t quite tell it how it tastes. There was some taste but I couldn't figure out how it tastes.
    For some reason it smelled like bubblegum. Wait, Sneak Energy has two bubblegum products? Before this I had a cherry bomb and washed the shaker cup. Because it seemed that it smelled like bubblegum I thought that the taste was the same.
However after a while it felt that I tasted grapes. It was weak but it seemed to taste like grapes. Or I just tasted what I wanted. After that I thought about it’s something like multi-fruit taste. As in mixed multiple tastes in one drink.
    When I finished work and went home I didn’t feel tired when I was home. It is just by drinking this.
    Now to last 3 tastes which is also in cans.


    Strawberry Wattermelon - First I drank a powdered version of this drink. Which I took with me at work When I was home feeling tired then I drank carbonated or maybe it was nitrogenated. But at the time I didn’t know about nitrogenated drinks.
Powdered version smelled and tasted like watermelon but I didn’t either smell or taste strawberry from it.
    Previous night I had trouble sleeping… It's because it felt that I needed to go shit but most of the time it didn’t happen. So this helped wake up when I was at work.
    However when I was home I got tired. So figured out to drink carbonated versions of this. But then again it was similar weather like when I drank cherry bombs after bubblegum millions. Or here and there you still can get a crash from these drinks.
    Maybe my nose was blocked but I didn’t smell either watermelon or strawberry. Same with taste - I didn’t feel either strawberry or watermelon. Just feeling something carbonated or nitrogenated.
    Not sure why I didn’t feel the taste of this. It’s said to “serve chilled” and it stayed in cold for some time. Only maybe when I was heating the apartment then maybe heated to room temperature (as much as it could) and when I stopped heating the apartment then the drink became cool, as much as it could. 
From this I’m thinking it’s better to get tubs not in cans. Well before that I check how it will be for the last two tastes.

    Blue Raspberry - Even though it’s blue raspberry it smelled and tasted like regular raspberry. When writing the script for video I checked out if there is blue raspberry. But didn’t find it. Blue raspberry taste for snacks and drinks are from whitebark or blackcap raspberry. And I guess if this drink tasted like regular raspberry than those I guess also taste like regular raspberry. But that’s off-topic.
    Well I thought the drink got blue color somehow from different natural coloring but I guess there are actually raspberries from which we can get blue color for drinks and other snacks.
    About drink, I might not have shaken it enough. Like always. Because when it runned out I notice some leftovers in the bottom of the shaker cup. But after a while when I had little water left then they got shaken enough. But even with that I could taste blue raspberry.
    Now about the carbonated version of this drink. This time I could taste the drink. Which of course was blue raspberry. Only it seems like it is too much carbonated… or nitrogenated. Well as in there are a lot of small carbonated bubbles.
    Energy boost of both of these were enough. After drinking the powder version I got free beer. So I didn’t drink any other energy drink. But I got dizzy from one can of beer at that day.

    Tropikilla - Wasn’t sure how it was tasting. Probably some kinda tropical fruit as the name suggests. Only I didn’t like the taste. I might have not correctly made it but I didn’t like the taste of it.
    However when I didn’t like the taste of this drink from the powder version I was surprised that I somewhat liked the carbonated version of this when 2 out of 3 carbonated drinks (or nitrogenated) I didn’t like the carbonated drink and when I didn’t like the powder version of same taste.
    Of course it gives the same amount of energy boost as other drinks. Only for powdered version I felt that from it might have an energy drink crash then I started eating food so then there wasn't a crash.
For the carbonated version it is enough.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021


Hello, I'm PhantomDogman online whereever I can have that username. Mainly foucusing on Youtube - PhantomDogman, also have Youtube shorts channel. And of course other profile online but more or less they are advertisment for my channel. Well recently I have tried streaming on Twitch, it's phantomdogman2 , it's because i had twitch account with phantomdogman which i deleted and still to this day nobody can use that user name anymore on twitch. Here I make posts when I couldn't share my thoughts in video. It could be of multiple reasons why, but here some - couldn't record it, because people in apparment would make noises, editing software is taking too much time to render video and much more reasons. Well not sure about making as videos as posts, but I have pages for videos (if I figure out how to get videos on it) then there will be some videos. So I don't know how to end blog spot even though I tried it on medium, which is also artilce/blog site but you can't make pages, like here for videos that I did. Also for some reason I can't use blogger preview fuction. Well I have multiple accounts logged into google stuff. It could be because of that than but I don't want to login and logout all the times.

More things what is needed before you can earn money online or from home

     Again making post about same topic , but of course with different ways to earn money online and/or from howm and what is needed for the...